Category Archives: General

Hopefully in SWTOR Friday

Well, not that they fixed my pre-order registration issues (I still can’t post to the official forums, but that is a fairly minor annoyance at least until I get in for early access and won’t be a “real issue” until the game launches), I can look forward to Early Access. There was official word posted about the remaining Early Access times:

 Posted by: Stephen Reid
A quick update on today’s invites, and a little preview of tomorrow.

Today, we invited people who had pre-ordered up to the very beginning of October (roughly). Tomorrow, we’re going to be inviting the same number of people again; that will take us up to the last week or so of November. On Friday, we’ll be inviting even more, and we’ll give you an update on that tomorrow.

You’ll see more servers coming online tomorrow, and almost certainly there will be some queuing. That was always expected. As a reminder, our plan here is to maintain healthy server populations post launch, and during the excitement of launch that will mean queues. That said, we’ll be working hard to keep those queues reasonable.

We’ll check back in tomorrow with another update.

So people who ordered up through November should be in today (Thursday, 15 November 2011) and those of us who ordered after that should be in Friday (assuming that the invites go out the same day you can get in)… of course work will cut into that time a great deal, but Sunday I am largely free.

Farewell Old Friend

Today I said goodbye to one of my oldest and dearest of friends, Lisa Kohn. I’ve known Lisa since somewhere around ’95/96. We became really good friends, eventually she was one of my first loves… She wasn’t the first girl I was attracted to, nor the first girl I ever went out with, and we were never really a fully official couple so far as I know, but she was a very vital part of my life, and I am the better for her being in my life. I remember fondly a great many times together, running around having a good time, going to her parent’s home, or my parent’s home and on one occasion even taking her with me to Minerva for the extended family.
Just days before she passed, we had exchanged messages on how we would see each other again soon. I was looking forward to hanging out on occasion, seeing her friends and family again, and just remembering the good times together. She has been robbed from me… us… and perhaps this says a lot, not that she is simply gone, but robbed from us and that spot in my heart and mind that she occupied will now have to be content with just the memories, but they are good memories and they shall be cherished forever.
This was perhaps the second biggest loss of my life. Losing my sister was number one, and now this. It is sad to lose a grandparent or aunt/uncle, but when they have had such a rich full life, I don’t know, the loss doesn’t seem the same. Perhaps the fact that all those earlier losses were when I was much younger also accounts for it.
My dear Lisa, I hope you are happy and at peace and I thank you for every moment we had together. For all those fond memories. For helping change me into a better person and being a light for me at a dark time of my life. You will always have a very dear and special place, not only in my mind, but my heart as well. I morn your loss and celebrate your life. And while it pains me to think that we’ll never be able to hang out again, or I won’t hear your laugh, I will cherish all those times we did have together, and remember there once was a girl, a very special girl who forever changed me.

Look Here, a New Dark Tower Book!

I love Stephen King’s the Dark Tower series. Perhaps his best works. Now a new graphic novel in the Dark Tower series is about to be released. Dark Tower: The Battle of Jericho Hill follows Roland and his Ka-tet on the run after the fall of Gilead…
I read the first few books in the first series, and it was really good.
You probably should read the regular books in the series first, then get into the graphic novels, even though they take place before the novels. Also that first novel can be a bit hard to get through, but after that they are a fun, fast easy read.
The graphic novels start with: Continue reading Look Here, a New Dark Tower Book!

Our Crumb Cake Recipe

I have fond memories of baking with my grandma Thomas. We made cinnamon jumbles, cookies, and this crumb cake. The recipe cards always say “Olive Crumb Cake”, but it is supposed to read “Olive’s Crumb Cake.” As I understand it, Olive was one of my grandmother’s friends, and this was her recipe.
The cake is nice, moist and spongy. The cake sort of crumbles, but it is the crumbs on the top that give it its name. It is a wonderful breakfast cake as well as a snack cake.
Ari and I made this the other day, and I thought I would share it.


  • 1 1/2 Cups Brown Sugar
  • 1/2 Cup Shortening (I recommend butter flavored stuff… I’ve used butter itself as well, but the recipe says Shortening so I’ll repeat what it says).
  • 2 Cups Flower
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Cup Sour Milk (to make Sour Milk, pour 1 cup milk into a bowl, add 1 Tablespoon Vinegar and let stand for 5 minutes)
  • 1 teaspoon Cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon Baking Soda

Continue reading Our Crumb Cake Recipe

Just as I Thought They Need a Movie About Rugby

I just saw a trailer for yet another ping pong movie, and then one for soccer, and I started thinking, I have seen movies based on lots of sports: all the aforementioned, golf, football, basketball, a few others, but never one for rugby. Oddly, the very next trailer I clicked at random on Apple’s Trailer site was for Forever Strong, staring Sean Faris, Gary Cole and Sean Astin. (Despite the All Black Haka style intro we see at the start of the trailer, shown below, the movie takes place in the USA.)

Watch the better quality trailer at the official site linked above.

When Covers are Better Than the Original

Johny Cash cover’s NIN’s Hurt.

Of the cover, Trent Reznor said:

I pop the video in, and wow… Tears welling, silence, goose-bumps… Wow. I just lost my girlfriend, because that song isn’t mine anymore… It really made me think about how powerful music is as a medium and art form. I wrote some words and music in my bedroom as a way of staying sane, about a bleak and desperate place I was in, totally isolated and alone. [Somehow] that winds up reinterpreted by a music legend from a radically different era/genre and still retains sincerity and meaning — different, but every bit as pure.

Don’t Freak Out, Cell Phones Can Not Pop Poppcorn

There are several versions of the following viral video going around where a few kernels of popcorn are popped using cell phones.

Not only is it impossible to pop popcorn with cell phones, they are most likely a viral advertising campaign seeing how many similar videos were posted the same day by a few users. It could be a massively coordinated joke, but be it a joke or viral advertising, they are fake. See Physicist Debunks Cellphone Popcorn Viral Videos, and Snope’s entry which mentions the popcorn bit while debunking an earlier version of the joke where somebody cooked an egg between two cellphones that were on for 60 minutes (also not possible). The Snope’s article also includes a video where the British show Brainiac expands on the egg experiment by using 100 cell phones.
EDIT: Turns out it was an ad for Bluetooth headsets.

Answers to a Scavanger Hunt

What follows is a scavenger hunt. I am trying to do it as in character as possible with the the theme of the hunt. All due apologies to the image holders for hot linking to the images, however, I have linked to your page where the image is coming from. This post will likely be deleted after the hunt is over since I’ll have a regular Steampunk post coming soon.
Some related links before I go on. The Clockwork Cabaret who’s scavenger hunt this is. Brass Goggles, one of the bigger Steampunk blogs out there, and from whom I got the video about tea the other day. I’ll cover more later, suffice it to say that I’ve have been mildly interested in it for a while (not enough to look anything up, but enough to appreciate seeing Steampunk stuff), but just recently really started getting into it, but as I said, I’ll dive more into that later.
Continue reading Answers to a Scavanger Hunt

At the Firing Range

I went to the firing range for the first time in something like seven years. Back then I took a firearms training class, and all we shot was a .22. This time out, I got a quick refresher and shot a Springfield XD 9mm. The XD is the gun I have been looking to buy, but wasn’t sure about the caliber, as it comes in 9mm, .40 and .45. I may rent a bigger one next time out, but I have to say that I thought the 9mm felt really comfortable. I didn’t do to bad according to them, and even I thought it wasn’t too bad considering how long it has been and the jump in caliber. Most of the shots were grouped just lower left of the center bullseye, touching it and extending a bit from it. I shot 100 rounds, and less then 20 were jerked and randomly placed (all low), most of the rest were in that lower left of center spot, or there abouts, some on the red bullseye itself.
Things I need to work on is grip, which tends to be too tight and my strong hand isn’t up quite high enough for ideal. I also lean back too far and need to work on leaning forward. I used an isosceles stance and may try Weaver Stance next time out to see if that helps, I think I used that with the .22 eons ago. Smoother trigger pull is also on the list of must improve aspects.
On the purchase side of things, a Springfield XD, probably a 9mm with personal defense rounds that will fragment when they hit plaster/drywall. A .22 for most of the practice to be done with as ammunition isn’t cheap, especially the rounds you would likely use in defense situations. Of course one must also do plenty of practice with their main weapon, and a good bit of that practice should be the rounds used for defense, but a .22 works well for casual practice. For the .22 I will probably go with the Beretta U22, which seems semi-affordable compared to most other .22’s. Of course a good gun case would be a must since Ari is here, even if the gun is kept unloaded, with a child around I think it should be kept safe, there are safes that open without having to be looked at to put the combination in.
I keep thinking competitive shooting would be a fun sport… that and perhaps some Krav Maga training… 😉 Sara and I saw an episode of Human Weapon that featured Krav Maga, and while I have leaned to Aikido as the martial art I may want to learn, Krav Maga does have a bit more appeal from the practical stand point.
Anyhow, I had a good time.

Brian at the Blossom with the Cleveland Orchestra

We had free lawn tickets to the Cleveland Orchestra at the Blossom Music Center and since one couldn’t ask for nicer weather I of course went. Sara was too tired, having had a full day already, and by this point it was too late to get another date for the night so I went alone.
I found a great spot to camp out at. Not far from me was some people who brought a whole table with them and had it fully setup… short 1 foot high table, but a table none the less. I was dead center to the stage, with the Ben & Jerry’s ice cream stand to my one side.
Parking ended up not as bad as I originally thought, though I was in the grass, it was a 10 minute fast walk, perhaps 15 minute regular walk. I was on the freeway in another 15 to 20 minutes.
On the program today, we had guest conductor, Jahja Ling conducting the Cleveland Orchestra in Brahms’ Piano Concerto No. 2 in B-flat major, Opus 83, with Peter Serkin as the piano soloist. I enjoyed this piece, especially what I would think was the second movement…The fourth movement I have to admit was a bit slow for me and I found my mind wondering.
A small intermission and then it was onto Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Opus 67 which of course has perhaps the most recognizable opening of any classical piece to those who don’t listen to much classical anyhow. I of course recognized the familiar “ta-ta-ta-TA” and most of what I would guess is the first movement, however, the next three movements all seemed to meld into one or two in my ears, perhaps this is just the way Ling conducted it, or the way it is written, I don’t know.
We’ll probably go one more time. Right now I am leaning to the “Zinman Conducts” night where we’ll get a few pieces, including a violin concerto and the “Enigma” Variations… I am not familiar with any of them… at least that I know of.

Dark Tower Graphic Novel Out

I missed it somehow, but Stephen King’s Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Born #1 (Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Born), the first of the new Dark Tower series is out… I must get to the comic store tomorrow and pick it up as the book series was incredible. The comic series goes in proper chronological order, where the book told Roland’s past via flashbacks. This will take us from his childhood, through the moment “the man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed,” to the fate of Roland’s companions and himself, and what lies beyond the door at the top of the Dark Tower. (And that is as far as I’ll spoil it for you, that Roland or one of his friends will make it to the top of the Dark Tower and see what lies beyond… who does and what they will see you’ll only find out if you read the books.)

Great Go Blog

ChiyoDad Learns Go is my favorite Go Blog. It is a very good website, especially for beginners. It is where I first learned of Hikaru No Go, which I will probably talk about at some future point (warning, don’t read past the Spoilers warning on that page until you have finished the series). Anyhow, ChiyoDad Learns Go, GoDiscussions and Sensei’s Library (a wiki for Go) are all things that every Go player should have bookmarked and visit regularly.

Go Update

I haven’t talked about Go for eons.
First up. I noticed my favorite Go program SmartGo has been updated to 2.3. It has been very much improved since I last used the game back when it was still 1.something… It has a 15 day free trial so give it a go (no pun intended). A few of the nicer additions is the ability to play on the IGS and a bunch of problems from It looks like they have added a ton more professional matches to study as well as a bunch more joseki. Is also has pattern matching so you can select a pattern in your game and find a similar match in a professional match to see how they responded.
I may update later with the books that I still need…

What Boxing Needs

What boxing needs, in the humble opinion of an under educated fan, who probably doesn’t know enough to actually have a valid opinion:

  • An end to the alphabet soup mess.
    There are way too many sanctioning organizations. We have the WBA, the WBC, the IBF, and the WBO, and those are the ones I know of. Each can recognize a separate boxer as the champion in their weight class. This leads to confusion for the more casual fans.
  • Less Pay-per-view.
    Unlikely to happen since the boxers, at least the two on the title-card, get a percentage of the buy-in. However, it makes it expensive to watch the big fights. It is bad enough if you want to watch most of the bigger fights, you have to have Showtime and HBO, especially HBO which seems to be home to the bigger matches. So you have basic cable to get ESPN 2, then two premium channels and then you have to buy a bunch of PPV fights. In 2005 you would have to buy 20 pay-per-view matches to catch them all. I don’t know if too many fans bother watching the Spanish networks to catch the fights there since the commentary wouldn’t be understandable, but perhaps the really big fans do. Anyhow, cost is an issue and they need to bring the price back down so the fans can watch again. More network coverage would probably help as well. I don’t know if the networks just don’t want to show it, or if they can’t get any of the more worthwhile matches since ESPN/Showtime/HBO/PPV get them.
  • More constancy across the sports/boxing commissions in various states.
    To that end McCain is pushing for a Federal Boxing Commission. Something I personally don’t support, the last thing we need is the Federal Government to get involved and mess everything up. A better solution, which I seem to remember reading about somewhere once, is to have each state send a representative from their commission, to a national (not controlled by the Federal Government) commission. This commission would insure that every state is using the same rules, and more importantly, licances fighters and officials (both referees and judges) by the same criteria. Hopefully this will result in more neutral officials (one only needs to see some of Emanuel Agustus‘ fights to see how slanted officials can be for the hometown boy). This would also probably result in an and to the three knockdown rule which some states use, but others do not, as the rules would need to be even across all states under this proposal.
  • A weighted ranking system.
    Boxer A has a record of 20-0 (18) and B has a record of 18-1(12). Which is the better boxer? Impossible to tell just from that. One would think A is the better boxer, but it all depends on who his opponents were. If boxer A had lots of easy opponents, and B took on some really challenging opponents, than B is the better boxer. The record isn’t a reliable way of knowing which is the better boxer, or how well they match up. A person in the know may think that the A vs B fight will be a slaughter for fighter A with B walking all over them, but that isn’t what the record alone show. We need a consistent weighted ranking system that everyone can agree on. Yes, give us the fighter’s record, but also give us a weighted rank so we know how well they actually match up. Let us add boxer C to the mix here with a record of 18-0 (15), who has a lower rank than B but higher than A. So from first place to last place it is B, C, A. A will raise in rank more by beating B than beating C. C gains little from beating A, but some from beating B. B gains little from beating C and even less beating A. They always gain something, even if it is a lower rated opponent. If you gave nothing to B for beating A, B may never take the fight. We need a way to still encourage them to give a chance to the boxing journeymen.

I am sure there are far more things boxing needs to get back to its prime, but these would be a good start.

Edit: I knew about The Ring Magazine Ratings for boxers. But I don’t think their ratings quite fit the weighted system above. However, BoxRec seems to have just the system I was talking about, if not more complex.